MN AIS Legislative ALERT!

On March 16, 2011 the MNDNR released their bill for AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species) in Minnesota generating more than 5 million annually to the ISA (Invasive Species Account).  This bill addresses and corrects some issues with prevention and an issue with management signature requirements on a lake-wide basis.

Link to MN S.F. No. 847

2011 AIS Legislation as Related to the Stakeholder’s Recommendations

The AIS bill contents under the eight areas of stakeholder recommendations:

  • Increase enforcement of AIS laws at the state and local levels
    Gives conservation officers and other licensed peace officers more authority to inspect watercraft and other “water related equipment” for AIS
  • Increase penalties for violations of state invasive species laws

o   Doubles most of the monetary penalties for violations of AIS laws and has higher penalties for repeat offenders. Allows local law enforcement agencies to retain civil penalty amount for citations issued by their agency

o   Allows criminal citations for violations involving the transportation of aquatic macrophytes (plants). This will allow the violation to be included on the statewide payables list so that fines can be paid without a court appearance

  • Improve the DNR’s watercraft inspection process for AIS
    Defines Inspection and gives authorized inspectors more authority to inspect watercraft and other “water related equipment” for AIS
  • Increase public awareness of AIS
    Requires watercraft owners and operators to have a decal that lists invasive species rules. The decal must be attached to the watercraft and be in full view of the operator. Decals would be available at no cost and are intended to help with education efforts aimed at preventing the spread of AIS
  • Require lake service provider licensing and training
    Requires permitting and training for people that receive compensation for installing docks, boat lifts, and other water-related equipment
  • Focus on high-use infested waters & prioritize other efforts at infested waters
    Authorizes enforcement officers to use check stations 

  • Increase funding for AIS efforts (Watercraft surcharge increase is in Governor’s Budget)
  • Aid AIS actions at water accesses (DNR is developing BMPs for water accesses)
  • DNR Technical Amendments

o   Allows docks and boatlifts that are removed from an infested water to be placed on riparian property for the winter or for repair to be returned to the same waterbody.

o   Allows emergency response vehicles to replace drain plugs after draining any livewells and bilges prior to transportation on roadways.

o   Simplifies requirements for commercial fishing equipment used on Lake Superior. This equipment is not typically removed for use on other waterbodies.

o   Relaxes some permit requirements for large-scale control of invasive aquatic plants.

o   Consolidates the every two-year legislative report on prevention with the annual invasive species report.

AIS Budget Fact Sheet 031611

AIS Policy Fact Sheet 031611

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