Midwest Division 2015 AIS services and products


PLM Lake & Land Management Corp. 2015 AIS Services and Products

Prevention through Control

Control and management of existing AIS is the most effective method of prevention.  When species are not present or at substantially low quantities, they are less likely to spread through various vectors.  PLM Lake & Land Management Corp. continues to be the leader in effectively reducing and eradicating AIS from our waters.  Our programs utilize scientifically proven methods of control which guarantee significant reductions in AIS populations.

Early Detection Rapid Response

PLM Lake & Land Management Corp. has designed a Early Detection Rapid Response Program which is a first of its kind.  Monitoring programs using field samplers are established to detect early infestations.  Once an infestation has been discovered PLM Lake & Land Management Corp. rapidly responds with the best available control programs to isolate and control the infestation.  Programs are available for aquatic plants and zebra mussels.


PLM Has teamed up with Hydro Engineering to design,distribute,and service both portable and permanent decontamination stations. Hydro Engineering Inc. pioneered procedures and technologies for watercraft decontamination and manufactures a wide variety of systems to support AIS prevention programs. Hydro Engineering Inc. has a certified system solution for your needs.

There is no substitute for experience!

Cooperative purchasing for state and local agencies available for the control of AIS

The CPV allows eligible entities to purchase goods, certain services and utilities from contracts established by the Materials Management Division (MMD) for Minnesota state agencies. MMD contracts with vendors to provide goods, services and utilities to state agencies. This program creates a legal relationship so that eligible entities can use these contracts just like state agencies. 
CPV Program

PLM Lake & Land Management Corp

P.O. Box 328

Brainerd, MN 54601




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